Monday, October 27, 2008

A Crime Takes Place at the National Archives

For those that are interested in history and government, one of the resources this great country of ours offers is the National Archives. At the National Archives you can find a wide selection of priceless and historically significant artifacts from documents dating back to the Revolutionary War, papers from former presidents and letters from soldiers that fought the Civil War. While the National Archives tries as hard as possible to allow access to the public, theft and vandalism are important considerations. Unfortunately, the National Archives has so many papers; from time to time some can go missing and end up on the black market. Recently, this is exactly what happened with rare Civil War letters written by a soldier.

A Crime is Committed at the National Archives
This is a story about rare civil war letters, two brothers that are Civil War buffs, an EBay seller and the FBI. If you have an interest in crime capers, this is one that is sure to please. A bunch of rare civil war letters is stolen from the National Archives and is sold on the internet, fortunately two brothers that are both history and Civil War buffs realize a crime has been committed and contact the proper authorities to lay a trap for the thief.

Read More About this Crime Mystery at Smithsonian Magazine
You can read more about this crime and how it ultimately played out by visiting the Smithsonian Magazine. The Smithsonian Magazine offers an interesting article for those curious about the National Archives. To read it, please visit the following link:

National Archives, Cheetah Facts, Glacier National Park, Quincy Jones, Diane Arbus, Phanotom of the Opera

Monday, October 6, 2008

National Archives: A Crime Mystery

One of America’s great institutions is the National Archives. The National Archives was centralized in 1934 and today it holds a wealth of information from our nation’s history. For historians, researchers and citizens, the National Archives is a great resource to find important papers from our presidents, documents that are valuable to understanding our history, letters from average citizens that help us understand events and much more. While the National Archives does have many security procedures in place to reduce theft and vandalism, certain incidents continue to occur. Recently, the National Archives was involved in a crime mystery regarding obscure Civil War Letters.

A Crime Takes Place
For those that enjoy reading or reenacting the Civil War, civil war letters from soldiers that actually fought the many battles are indispensable in understanding the events of that time. There are thousands of Civil War buffs in the country and many vie for Civil War memorabilia which can definitely cause many pieces including written documents to be extremely expensive. While there are quite a few Civil War letters available on the open market, every so often, items are sold illegally- usually stolen from collections or archives. Recently Civil War letters turned up on the black market that were actually removed from the National Archives.

A Crime Unfolds
When Civil War documents are stolen, many times they are sold in very secret channels, however with the innovation of the internet, it is easier than ever to find buyers based around the country or around the world and in this situation, Civil War letters were put up for sale on (an online auction site). However, thanks to two brothers who are knowledge in Civil War memorabilia it was realized that these letters for sale on were possibly stolen from the National Archives.

Through lots of research, some good leads and the help of the FBI and EBay, a crime that could have removed priceless artifacts from the National Archives was averted. To read more about this fascinating crime caper, the Smithsonian Magazine has an article on the subject. To read it, please visit our main website at:

Cheetah Facts, Daredevil, National Archives, Diane Arbus, Quincy Jones

Sunday, October 5, 2008

National Archives: A Crime Caper

The National Archives is one of America’s finest institutions. For many years they have collected invaluable presidential paper, letters on historical American events and documents that help current researchers and those that will come along in the future to understand our country, its government and its people.

A Crime Caper
While the National Archives has plenty of security in place to protect its documents and artifacts from being stolen and destroyed, there are times when items disappear. Recently, two brothers that are Civil War buffs, Ebay and the FBI worked together to catch a crook selling stolen materials from the National Archives. Since there is a black market for unique items- especially those dating back to the Civil War, it is no surprised that there is plenty of motivation to try to steal them and sell them on the open market.

Read More About this Mystery
It was only a little while ago when a mysterious group of Civil War letters were up for sale on Ebay. A group of letters that were suspicious to two brothers that are Civil War buffs, after realizing the letters must have been stolen, they contacted the FBI and a sting was put in place to catch a thief. To read more about the National Archives and this fascinating story, visit the Smithsonian Magazine’s website today at:

Forbidden City, Daredevil, Tattoo Art, Cleopatra, National Archives, Cheetah Facts